Deliberate releasing is easiest for the child when he is supported at the wrist – either by your hand or by a flat surface such as a table-top.

How to Assess

Materials: A small, easily held object.

Method: When your child is holding the object, support his wrist or place his closed hand on the table top. Say ‘Put’.

Score plus if your child releases the object.

How to Teach

Use a clear direction –‘Put’– right from the beginning. Proceed as described under How to Assess. If your child does not release the object, repeat your direction, gently stroking his hand to stimulate the release. (Experiment with different ways of stroking until you find the way which works for you.)

Your stroking can become lighter as your child gets the idea, until finally he responds to your direction alone.

Playtime and Round-the-house Activities

You will find many opportunities to practise this skill each day, by simply using whatever comes to hand – small stones in the garden, an older brother or sister’s small toys, odds and ends in the kitchen. Let your hand be the flat surface sometimes.

Remembering and Extending

Maintain with practice until you are ready to go on to FM.D.36, where your child will learn to put objects into a container. As you practise, look for signs that your child is becoming less dependent on wrist support.