Here your child will show whether she knows the names of familiar toys. Familiar objects such as the child’s cup or spoon will do just as well.
How to Assess
Materials: Select the object or objects that your child is most likely to know by name.
Method: Place an object about a metre away from your child, making sure that she has seen it. Distract her for a moment by talking to her, and then ask ‘Where’s …?’
Score plus if your child will turn and locate at least one familiar object when it is named in this way.
How to Teach
Select a toy that is familiar to your child, and one which you know she likes. Proceed as in the assessment, and if she does not respond, draw her attention to the toy saying ‘There’s . . .’.
When she can look for this first object, you can teach others in the same way. Remember that by doing this, you are preparing the way for your child to name the object, later on, so select objects for attention that you think your child will want to talk about.