In this activity your child must listen not only to the size you specify, but to the object you name as well.
How to Assess
Materials: 2 sets of big and little objects, for example big and little cups, big and little blocks.
Method: Place both sets of objects on the table. Say ‘Point to (or give me, or take) the little cup’. Then say ‘Point to the big block’. Give 5 such directions in all.
Score plus if your child selects the correct object in at least 4 out of 5 tries.
How to Teach
Use the same approach as that described for RL.E.54 and 55, using 2 pairs of objects at a time.
Emphasise both the size and the name of the object when you give your directions.
Vary the way you arrange the objects on the table and vary the materials you use.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
A tea-party offers much scope for practising this activity. Invite big and little Teddies, and big and little Dollies. Provide big and little cups, spoons and so on. You could even have big and little biscuits and big and little sandwiches!
Remembering and Extending
Once your child has mastered this skill, you can include size in the directions you give your child around the house. Instead of asking her to bring you a spoon, ask for a big spoon and so on.
This sequence now moves on to other attribute words, but big and little should be maintained with regular practice. You could now try some pairs of objects that are less markedly different in size.