The child is now able to stand, relying more on her legs than her arms. She may still stand with her legs a little apart, as this makes a wider base of support and so increases her stability.
How to Assess
Materials: Chest-high support or table, toys.
Method: Place your child standing at the table or support, with toys to play with. Score plus if your child can maintain the position, supporting herself with her hands. She no longer leans her chest or arms on the support.
How to Teach
This skill is a progression of the other standing exercises practised up until now. The child needs a lot of standing experience, and as she feels more confident, she will make this progression herself.
You could guide her, by standing her, and holding her only by her hands. Do not yet attempt to walk her forward, as she must learn to cruise sideways before she has the control to walk forward.
To help improve her balance, and to prepare her for cruising sideways, stand her on a breadboard placed across your lap. Hold her hands. If she has the control, very gently, and only a small distance, bend one knee up, the other down, so tipping the breadboard. If she does not have the control, hold her at her hips, and as she improves, at her knees (GM.B).
As she improves with this, remove the breadboard and stand her only on your lap. This is a more mobile surface than the firm board. Again, start by just standing her there, holding her hands. As she gains her confidence, you can again alternatively move your legs up and down. For both these exercises, start by moving her slowly, and only a small way. As she improves,increase both the speed and distance.
As you increase the distance you tip her, you should notice her uphill leg bend. If it does not,hold her hands with 1 hand and with the other,bend the uphill leg, or let her lean her hands on your shoulders while you assist her knees.
It is important that she stands with her hips in line with her body; her bottom should not stick out the back or to the side.