In the previous throwing skill, the child threw a ball overhand while standing stiffly, facing the direction of the throw. It is important that she learns to transfer her body weight if she is to develop a powerful throw.

Children often learn this skill while learning to play cricket or baseball. Many girls are, sadly, excluded from such games and hence never learn this effective way to throw. The ability to throw through a long distance isn’t just a matter of strength – technique matters too!

How to Assess

Materials: A small ball, such as a tennis ball.

Method: Set up a game which involves throwing. Demonstrate the technique to your child and ask her to do the same. Score plus if your child throws the ball in the following manner. Holding the ball in one hand, she turns so that her opposite shoulder is facing in the intended direction of the throw and her weight is over her back foot. She then brings the hand holding the ball up and over, transferring her weight to the front foot, twisting her body the direction of the throw and releasing the ball.

How to Teach

Stand behind your child and physically guide her through the movement to give her the idea. Use demonstrations as well. Perhaps another child could demonstrate.

Withdraw your help gradually.

Your child will discover that this technique helps her to throw the ball further and harder.

You can, of course, practise this skill in the context of cricket or baseball games if you wish. Otherwise, play throwing and catching games, or set up a target – a paddling pool of water is great fun.