Here the child demonstrates a more difficult and advanced jumping skill. She is required to jump down from a height (with help) and to jump with her feet together. Note that you can begin teaching the following skill (jumping in place unaided) at the same time as you are teaching this one.

How to Assess

Materials: A block or step approximately 10 to 15 cm high.

Method: Hold your child’s hands from in front and ask her to jump off the block. Score plus if your child bends her knees, then jumps off with 2 feet together.

How to Teach

Kneel in front of your child as she stands on the block and help her to squat. Saying ‘jump’, support her hands and help her to jump off the block.

Initially, your child may go through all the motions and then step off the block. Try holding her around the chest, rather than holding her hands, to help her get the feeling of true jumping. If she continues to step, give her a verbal reminder – ‘Not Stepping, JUMPING’ – and repeat the exercise. Make sure you finish every practice session with a true jump, rather than step.

Practise jumping off the kerb, off the bottom step, off the telephone book and so on. You’ll find lots of different situations for practicing and the more you practice the quicker your child will master this difficult task.