The child who can already track an object through 90° can now learn to follow an object from one side right across to the other, crossing over his midline.
How to Assess
Materials: A brightly coloured toy, such as a red wool pompom.
Method: As in FM.A.3, but moving the object through approximately 180°.
Score plus if your child’s eyes follow the object smoothly, through approximately 180°.
How to Teach
As in FM.A.3 begin just over 90° and work up gradually to 180°. Some children have difficulty at first in turning their heads smoothly from one side to the other. You can steady his head gently with your hand, gradually reducing your help as he gains control.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Same as for FM.A.3, building up to 180°.
Remembering and Extending
Encourage your child to follow you as you move around the room, by talking to him as you go.
As your child develops head control in the sitting position, encourage him to track objects in the sitting position too.
Once your child can track very confidently, he will use the skill in all sorts of ways, so that deliberate practice becomes unnecessary. But do observe him closely from time to time to make sure that he is using this skill.