Here you are extending FM.B.13, so that your child is not only holding onto 2 objects, but picking them up as well.
How to Assess
Materials: 2 small blocks.
Method: Place blocks on the table-top in front of your child and say ‘Take’.
Score plus if your child picks up the 2 blocks and holds one in each hand at the same time.
How to Teach
Materials: Any interesting objects that can be held in one hand.
Method: Children who have scored plus in FM.B.18 should have no difficulty in picking up one object. Draw your child’s attention to the second object and direct him to ‘take’. At first you may need to help him keep his hands closed around the first object. Give no more help than he needs and gradually help him less.
Once he is holding the second object, help him to play with the 2 together, for example by banging them both on the table-top.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Encourage him to independently pick up a second object when he is holding one already. When he is playing independently, try giving him pairs of objects tied at either end of a string (15 cm or longer), or a ‘necklace’ of 2 large beads. When he picks up one, his attention will be drawn to the second by its movement. Practise, too, at mealtimes. Put several small pieces of manageable food on his tray. He will enjoy alternating between different pieces with different flavours.
Remembering and Extending
This will be used as the basis for many play skills, of which FM.E.35 (banging blocks together) is the first. You could start demonstrating this game to him now, and helping him to copy you.