When a child first begins to hold onto rattles and other objects, he is likely to inspect them with his eyes and mouth, and then perhaps to transfer them from one hand to another. He may wave them about, but this may be done in a random fashion – he has yet to learn that he can create an effect by shaking them deliberately.

When a child attains the skill of purposeful shaking, he reaches a new level of play. From now on he will experiment with all kinds of objects, to see if he can produce that satisfying outcome – a noise!

How to Assess

Materials: A small, noisy rattle.

Method: Give your child the rattle. Do not demonstrate.

Score plus if your child actively plays with the rattle, by shaking and waving it to produce a noise.

How to Teach

Teach this skill by demonstration and by giving physical help if necessary.

Try using 2 rattles, holding one yourself, and encouraging your child to shake by taking turns with your rattle.

Playtime and Round-the-house Activities

This skill is extended in FM.B.21 (uses the same object in different ways). Different ways of achieving effects with objects are also presented in Sequence FM.D (Putting) and Sequence FM.E (Manipulative Skills).