In FM.B.20, the child learns that he can achieve an interesting effect through shaking. Here he learns that other actions produce satisfying results as well.
How to Assess
Materials: Bright, colourful rattles and other toys.
Method: Put the toys on the table in front of the child.
Score plus if your child uses an object in 2 or more different ways, such as shaking, banging it on the table or waving it about (do not include mouthing).
How to Teach
Teach as for FM.B.20, but now introducing different actions as well as shaking. Banging on the table is a useful second action.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Try introducing songs and rhymes into your games – you can make them up yourself, emphasising the action words – ‘This is the way we go BANG, BANG, BANG’– and giving plenty of repetition. Practise using objects in different ways in the bath – splashing is an ideal action here!
Remembering and Extending
See FM.B.20.