This is the first step in learning to open and close the scissors repeatedly to cut across a piece of paper. The hardest part is leaving the scissors in position while the scissors are reopened.
With a 2 cm strip, your child should need to reopen only once; that is, it should take only two cuts to divide the paper.
How to Assess
Materials: Kindergarten scissors and strips of paper 2 cm wide.
Method: Demonstrate cutting and then give the scissors to your child’s preferred hand and a strip of paper to the other hand. Say ‘You cut across the paper’. Give 3 tries, demonstrating each time if necessary.
Score plus if your child cuts right across the strip in two out of three tries.
How to Teach
Initially you will need to step in after your child has closed his scissors the first time and hold his hand in position, directing him to open the scissors again.
Your child will find this easier if you hold the strip of paper at one end, keeping it taut and steady. You can set this as an in-between objective (cuts across strip when helped to hold paper), removing your help when your child has mastered reopening and closing his scissors.
Continue teaching until your child can cut across the strip without help.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
As for FM.E.93, using strips of paper.
Remembering and Extending
You can move directly on to FM.E.129.