Do not teach this skill until your child has completed (or nearly completed) Sequence FM.C: Object Permanence. The child knows that there is something in the box – but how to get it out???

How to Assess

Materials: A small box with a lid that comes well down over the sides of the box. It should be small enough for your child to handle easily. A small toy or raisin.

Method: Demonstrate by placing the toy in the box and then finding it. Put the toy in again, and present the box to your child, saying ‘Where’s the toy?’

Score plus if your child successfully lifts the lid and finds the toy.

How to Teach

You will need a variety of boxes, including at least one with a very loose lid, and a collection of small objects.

Begin by giving repeated demonstrations and helping your child to copy you. Use the box with the loose-fitting lid so that your child achieves success easily.

Reduce your help and introduce more challenging boxes as your child gets the idea. If he has difficulty getting the lid off, urge him to ‘Keep trying’ or ‘Try again’.

If your child does not attempt to look for the toy, go back to Sequence FM.C for some more practice at object permanence activities.

Playtime and Round-the-house Activities

Hiding games are the order of the day! Use all kinds of containers; ideally they will have a lid, but this is not strictly necessary. The important thing is that your child finds a way to get the toy out of the container. Let him do the hiding sometimes. He will enjoy watching you look and you can role-play that important strategy of trying again. Try unwrapping parcels too.

Remembering and Extending

Hiding games can grow more complex and more challenging as your child progresses. The next skill in this sequence, FM.H.52, presents another way that objects can be retrieved.