This is a direct extension of FM.H.52. Your child should now have a firm concept that objects can be retrieved by tipping the container.

How to Assess

Materials: As for FM.H.52.

Method: Let the child watch as you put the raisin in the bottle, but do not demonstrate the tipping action. Do not assess this item immediately after a teaching session on FM.H.52; you will get a clearer idea if you leave the activity for a few days before assessing this item.

Score plus if your child tips the bottle over so that the raisin falls out, and looks for the raisin.

How to Teach

Continue teaching as for FM.H.52, then take a break for a few days before reassessing. Repeat until your child scores plus on assessment.

Playtime and Round-the-house Activities

Provide your child with a variety of containers containing objects and watch him to see whether he spontaneously uses the tipping action. If he does, he has mastered the skill.

Remembering and Extending

For more challenging activities, try putting objects inside long cardboard cylinders, such as the kind that are used for mailing posters. Or use a long thin container with a lid, so that your child must combine the skills of removing the lid and tipping the container.