This item directly extends the skill of matching shapes, learned in FM.J.82.
The procedure used to teach shape selection is the Match-to-Sample game.
Refer to the notes on materials under FM.J.82.
How to Assess
Materials: A circle, a square and a triangle, all the same colour.
Method: Put the shapes on the table. Say ‘Point to the …’ or ‘Give me the . . .’. Give 2 tries for each shape, changing the position of the shapes from time to time.
Score plus if your child selects the correct shape in at least 4 of the 6 tries.
How to Teach
Before you begin teaching, you need to decide whether to teach all 3 shapes at once, or start with just 2 and include the third one later. Be guided by your child’s performance during assessment, and by the ease with which he has progressed through earlier matching activities.
Work through the steps in the Match-to-Sample game, setting each step as your objective in turn. You may be able to skip a step here and there, or you may need to set some extra, in-between steps. Be guided by your child’s progress, reassessing your child when you are in doubt.
Vary the materials from session to session, but continue to present shapes that are all the same colour at any one time. If your circle, square and triangle are all different colours, your child may learn that ‘triangle’ means ‘yellow’!
Continue until your child can select the 3 shapes as described under How to Assess.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Refer again to the activities described under FM.J.82, placing more emphasis now on asking your child to select shapes when possible.
Once your child is close to mastering this skill, a ‘feely-bag’ containing shapes is good fun – your child must select the shapes by feel alone. Remember to take turns to feel for shapes yourself, and describe what you feel: ‘I can feel a shape with 3 points’ or ‘I’ve found something round.’
Remembering and Extending
If your child is talking, you can now encourage him to name the shapes – in imitation at first, and then in response to a question.
You can also introduce other shapes – rectangles, stars, diamonds and so on. Triangles can take many different forms, which can now be introduced.