Now your child is learning to match colours when a wider choice is offered.

How to Assess

Materials: As for FM.J.84.

Method: Put one item of each colour on the table, using dishes if you prefer. Hand your child an object that matches with one of them and say ‘Put … with .. .’. Remove the matched piece when your child has finished. Give 3 tries for each colour.

Score plus if your child successfully matches each colour in at least 2 of the 3 tries,

How to Teach

You may choose to work on matching colours with a choice of 3, as an intermediate step.

Use the same basic procedures for teaching matching, first described in FM.I.60, and also outlined in the description of the Match-to-Sample game.

Vary your materials to add interest to your teaching sessions.

Playtime and Round-the-house Activities

As well as continuing with the colour skills in this sequence, you could now teach your child to match a greater range of colours, including black, brown, purple, orange, pink and white. You could use one of the commercially available colour lotto games for variety and fun.