The baby rolls from her back to her side in one of 2 ways. When she brings her hands to her knees, she rolls over to her side. When she turns her head well around, the rest of her body follows.
How to Assess
Method: Place the child on her back, then stand on one side and call. Or call her when she is playing with her hands at her knees, as in GM.A.14. Score plus if your child rolls to the side.
How to Teach
Place your baby on her back and bend her knees up for her. Now place your head down on the surface next to hers and call her. Once she has turned her head, help her to roll the rest of the way, guiding her from her hips.
Positioning, Carrying and Playing
Place your child on her back, with all her toys to her side, or position her so that she must turn her head (and hence, roll) to watch the family activity. If she finds rolling difficult, place her on a wedge or make a small slope out of a covered board. The slope will help her to roll. Another method is to hold her around her knees and roll her over (you cross your arms).