This is a very complicated skill. The baby needs to be able to control her shoulder girdle, trunk, hips and lower extremities. First she rotates her trunk, so shifting her weight over her bent turned out leg. Next she places her hands on the floor and lifts her pelvis, bottom and unweighted leg. During this manoeuvre her weight-bearing leg is her pivot. She is capable of reversing this movement to return to sitting.

How to Assess

Method: Place your child in sitting, with toys well out of reach. Score plus if she pivots out of the sitting position into a crawl position.

How to Teach

Once again, we take advantage of all the preparation you have been doing (GM.A.39). Go back and practise this skill until she is competent.

Now place her in the side sitting position – both hands on the floor well in front of her, one foot placed on the floor out from her other leg ‘knee to the sky’. Pivot her forward onto her hands, stopping before she gets onto both her knees. Make her balance in this position – halfway between side sitting and crawling. This is quite difficult, but is marvellous preparation for her crawling. She is working her diagonal tummy muscles very hard, and these muscles play a very important part in all our balance. She is also working with her pelvis held in the correct position and this will contribute later to a good posture. You try it yourself!

Pivot her into the crawl position again, and this time bring her back to side sitting on the other side.

If your child has scored plus on GM.A.40, she should be able to complete this movement by herself.