This is a combination of all the head control movements and is necessary before any further sitting skills are attempted. At this stage, the child has not learned to tuck her chin in when sitting, as she does when lying on her back.

How to Assess

Method: Support your child in sitting, holding her firmly around her chest or shoulders. Score plus if your child holds her head steady for five seconds. Her chin will still jut forward at this stage, but it should not bob forward or to the side.

How to teach

This is an excellent skill to combine with language learning. Make sure the child is in constant eye contact with you – your eyes at the same level as hers. Initially, it is important to hold her around the shoulders with your fingers extended behind her neck, to prevent her head flipping back if she loses control. Whilst talking to her, move from side to side, slowly and only slightly at first. If her head wobbles too much, come back to centre front and wait until she gains control again. Only when she can maintain control, turning about 45° to each side while you’re talking to her, should you remove your support from around her shoulders and move down to holding her around the chest.

Your child needs opportunities to practise this skill frequently, for short periods, so make a habit of practising after each nappy change or whenever you sit with her on your lap.