The child should by now have good balance reactions in all positions except standing. She also has good trunk control and she can use her trunk and hips together, which enables her to kneel.
How to Assess
Materials: A low support and some toys.
Method: Place your child in sitting on the floor. Present a toy to her, held sufficiently high that she will have to kneel to obtain it. Or place the toy on a low surface, so that she must kneel up to reach it. Score plus if your child can kneel to play with the toy. She may support herself with one hand only on the flat surface or she may lean momentarily against the support with her chest. She should require no help from you to maintain the position.
How to Teach
Place the child’s toys on a low support and encourage her to play in this position.
To be competent in this position, she must be able to bend down sideways to retrieve dropped toys from the floor. Help her to do this by supporting her at her hips, gradually reducing your support.