This is another balance skill requiring a slightly altered centre of gravity with the child’s weight tilted back to counteract the weight of the object held.

How to Assess

Materials: A large ball or box, approximately 30 cm in diameter or in width.

Method: Give the object to your child and ask her to carry it to a person 3 metres away. Score plus if your child carries the object to the other person unaided and without overbalancing.

How to Teach

Start with a balloon or a similar light object requires the child to use 2 hands to carry it. Encourage her to bring it to Mummy from a few steps away, at first, increasing to 3 metres away. Don’t try to increase the weight of the object until she is happy to walk some distance holding the object with 2 hands. Using 2 hands to hold it means that her hands are not free to balance with, so practise on a smooth floor that she can walk on confidently. If she drops the object tell her to ‘Pick it up again’ and continue walking with it. Use lots or different objects to practise carrying but always give her a reason to do it, such as ‘Bring it to Mummy’ or ‘Give it to Daddy’, or ‘Put Teddy to bed’.