This skill is most important for functional walking. It would be most inconvenient for the child to have to stop, get down and crawl over every obstacle in her path!

How to Assess

Materials: Obstacles such as blocks, books, beanbags and so on.

Method: Place the obstacles on the ground and encourage your child to step over them to get to you. Score plus if your child can step over the obstacles, while walking, without losing balance

How to Teach

This is a combination of many skills, including the early Stairs and Climbing skills in Sequence C. If you have not yet started on Sequence C, do so now, as well as giving your child daily opportunities to practise stepping over obstacles. This skill requires great balance, so if your child always puts her hands down on the ground when she comes to an obstacle in her path, go back to the balance items in GM.A, and also make sure she can manage all the balance exercises at the beginning of GM.B.