This skill equips your child to step up kerbs in the street, single steps between different floor levels and other similar situations where there is no rail to hold.

How to Assess

Materials: A 30 by 30 cm square block approximately 15cm high.

Method: Place your child in front of the block and ask her to step up or demonstrate the task. Score plus if your child steps up to the block without touching it with her hand and without overbalancing.

How to Teach

Start your practice with a lower height and a larger area block. Your child could step up from a grassed area to an adjacent concrete area. The step must be significant enough for the child to notice the different height but not high enough for her to want to put her hands down.

Progress to a low kerbing. Stand in front of her and assist her by holding one hand at the level of her shoulder or below (not above her head). Holding her hand at a lower level will help her to keep her weight forward rather than pulling on your hand and leaning back. Gradually loosen your grip on her hand until she is stepping up without assistance.

Now attempt stepping up onto the block. Because she has to place her feet more accurately on the block, she may initially be apprehensive. Again stand in front of her as you did at the kerb and hold her hand if necessary, gradually lessening your support.