By now your child will be throwing a ball confidently when standing and she can be expected to have developed some aim. She can score plus on this skill if she can throw accurately to you – the basket provides a larger target than your hands.

How to Assess

Materials: A basket about 50 cm wide, such as a round laundry basket. A small ball, such as a tennis ball.

Method: Stand your child about a metre from the container and ask her to throw the ball in. Demonstrate if necessary. Score plus if your child can throw the ball into the basket in 3 out of 5 tries.

How to Teach

It may be easier to start practice of this skill with a small beanbag rather than a ball; it would not bounce off the edge of the container as a ball would. Choose a stable container such as a large tyre ring, basket or large cardboard box and place it against the wall. Stand your child one step away from the container and after demonstrating the throw ask her to attempt it. Reward any effort she makes, retrieve the beanbag and encourage her to try again. On a warm day outside you may fill a bucket with water and use a plastic or metal object that will make a splash if she is successful.

As her aim improves, move her gradually back to 1.5 metres and start to use a ball instead of the beanbag. Don’t allow her to get frustrated – it is better to reduce distance of the throw or increase the size of the container than to have too many failures. Progress only if she is consistently succeeding at that distance.

At the same time, give your child lots of practice in throwing to you. You could also try drawing a target on a wall.