This activity extends the previous skill in this sequence. Here the child is required to pedal the trike on her own, but she need not yet be able to steer the trike around corners.

How to Assess

Materials: A suitable tricycle, and simple course comprising 2 straight stretches (about 2 or 3 metres long) and a corner.

Method: Ask your child to ride her trike around the course. Score plus if your child completes the course. She may sometimes put her feet to the ground, especially at the corner.

How to Teach

Your child should be able to keep her feet on the pedals, as described in GM.F.114.

Continuing on from GM.F.114, begin to pause while pulling her, and encourage her to continue the movement by pushing the pedals. It can be hard for the child to learn to push only with the forward leg (pushing with both legs will cause the trike to stop). Try leaning over her from behind with a hand on each knee and help her to push each leg in turn. Say ‘push’ as you help her.

Next try a very gently downward slope. Stay in front of your child, to pull the trike or slow it down as needed. Gradually lessen your help until your child is pedalling on her own.

Then go back to the level surface, pulling her to help her get started if necessary.

Make your teaching sessions lots of fun, by involving other children and using songs and rhymes.