4 months
- GM.A.11 On tummy , bears weight on forearm, with elbows in front or shoulders and chin tucked
- GM.A.12 On tummy, legs not always frogged, random kicking
- GM.A.13 On back, plays with arms held up and away from body
- GM.A.14 On back, brings hand to knees
- GM.A.15 On back, rolls to side
- GM.A.16 Pulled to sit, keeps head in line with body
- GM.A.17 Pulled to sit through side lying, holds head steady
- GM.A.18 Sitting, holds head steady, with chin tuck
- GM.A.19 Standing, takes most weight and controls head and upper trunk
5 months
- GM.A.20 On tummy, takes weight on extended arms
- GM.A.21 On tummy, weight on forearms, reaches for a toy
- GM.A.22 On tummy, accidentally rolls back
- GM.A.23 On back, reaches out with straight arms, hands together
- GM.A.24 On back, rolls to side, remaining on side to play
- GM.A.25 Sits unsupported for 1 minute
- GM.A.26 Standing, feet flat, leans on support
6 months
- GM.A.27 On tummy, full balance reactions present
- GM.A.28 On tummy, props on extended arms, raising trunk and tummy
- GM.A.29 On tummy, lifts legs up behind, and close together
- GM.A.30 On tummy, semi-rolls to side to reach for a toy
- GM.A.31 On tummy, attempts to reach while on straight arms
- GM.A.32 On back, rolls to tummy
- GM.A.33 Pulled to sit, initiates with head, pulls with arms
- GM.A.34 Sitting, puts straight arms forward to avoid a fall
- GM.A.35 Sits for 10 minutes, arms free to reach and play
- GM.A.36 Standing, takes full weight
7 months
- GM.A.37 On tummy, turns in circles
- GM.A.38 On tummy, rolls to side and plays, propped on one elbow
- GM.A.39 On tummy, gets to crawl position and rocks
- GM.A.40 Gets from crawl position to sitting
- GM.A.41 On tummy, creeps forward with arm pull
- GM.A.42 On back, full balance reactions present
- GM.A.43 Sitting, rotates trunk, plays freely with arms
- GM.A.44 Gets to sitting from tummy
- GM.A.45 Pulls to stand, straightening both legs, pulls with arms
- GM.A.46 Stand at furniture, supporting with arms, and bounces