These skills directly extend RL.A.6, where the child searched for the source of a sound, without necessarily finding it.

Now the young child becomes more purposeful and accurate in locating the source of a voice or sound. Provided her head is well supported, she will turn towards the source, even if it is out of her line of vision.

By now most babies find voices more interesting than other sounds, and may turn to voices before they turn to rattles or bells. The order in which your child acquires these skills does not matter — you can work on both at the same time.

How to Assess

Assess as in RL.A.6, using both your voice and a bell or rattle, in any order.

Score plus for RL.A.7 is your child turns her eyes and head and finds the bell or rattle.

Score plus for RL.A.8 if your child turns her eyes and head and finds the person who has spoken to her.

How to Teach

If your baby does not turn towards you, place your hand on the far side of her head and gently turn her face towards you, calling her name all the time. When she finds you, reward her with big smiles and congratulations.

Try using an even lighter touch the next time you help her. In time you will sense that she is trying to move her head by herself. Help her only as much as she needs, and no more.

Many children find it easier to turn to one side than to the other, and need extra practice on the weaker side.

Follow the same procedure with rattles and bells.

Experiment with other noises as well. You could scrunch up some cellophane or squeeze a squeaky toy or rattle your keys – try whatever comes to hand.

Remembering and Extending

Watch for signs that your child is responding to incidental noises in her environment – footsteps coming up the hall or a ringing telephone or the bark of your neighbour’s dog or adult conversation on the far side of the room. You can encourage her interest in such events by talking to her about them. Although she won’t understand your words yet, she will develop a sense that you are sharing in the event with her, and that this sharing is marked by talking.