RL.C Choosing Between Alternatives: Objects and Pictures

This sequence concentrates on teaching the names of objects. The child shows that she knows the names of objects by choosing the one that is named when a choice is offered. Later on in the sequence, the child also learns to identify objects by their function, and to place them in categories such as ‘animals’ and ‘food’.

Because she shows that she knows the names of objects by selecting them, the child need not be able to talk in order to progress through the sequence. Teaching her the names of objects will, of course, help her to talk, because she must know what something is before she can talk about it. If your child is talking, you can encourage her to name the objects as well as select them.

When you select objects to use in assessing and teaching, choose things which are interesting to your child – things that you expect she will want to talk about.

You will be teaching items from other sequences at the same time as you are working through this one. You can alternate between the sequences, or teach one objective from each at the same time, depending on the time you have available.

Below we list all the skills in this sequence.

3 - 4 years
  • RL.C.67 Points to 13 body parts
  • RL.C.68 Points to 16 body parts
  • RL.C.69 Selects a boy and a girl, when shown pictures of both
  • RL.C.70 Selects a man and a woman, when shown pictures of both
  • RL.C.71 Selects objects according to category – food
  • RL.C.72 Selects objects according to category – animals
  • RL.C.73 Selects objects according to category – clothes
  • RL.C.74 Selects objects according to category – furniture