The 3 action words taught in RL.D.30, and those taught in Sequence RL.B, form the foundation on which the child learns many, many more. At the 2-year-old level of development, the child can be expected to understand at least 10 action words, and to be able to demonstrate them, either with her own body or with a doll.
How to Assess
Materials: Dolls or other toys.
Method: Ask your child to demonstrate 10 different action words (one at a time), either with a doll (or other toy) or with her own body, or a combination of the two. You can spread your assessment over a couple of sessions, if you choose.
The 10 action words can be any that the child might know, but could include ‘kiss’, ‘jump’, ‘sit’, ‘sleep’, ‘cuddle’, ‘blow’, ‘push’, ‘point’, ‘give’, ‘put’, ‘wash’, ‘fall down’ and so on.
When assessing action words that require props, such as ‘brush’, make sure that the props are available throughout the assessment session. If you hand them to your child at the appropriate time, you will not know whether she has understood the action word or is responding to the object you have given her.
Score plus if your child demonstrates at least 10 action words.
How to Teach
You may find that it is not necessary to teach all 10 words within structured teaching sessions. Once your child has learned to respond to a few action words, she may learn others easily during playtime and routine activities.
Keep in mind that the teaching methods described in RL.D.29 can be used during play, as well as in structured teaching sessions.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Action words should now be a major feature of your conversation with your child, in everything you do together. If your child has started to talk, you will be encouraging her to say them as well, using the methods described in Book3, Chapter3.
Remembering and Extending
This sequence now moves on to more complex directions, but you can, of course, go on teaching more action words – the more the better!