In the preceding steps, the child has learned to respond to one word within a two-word phrase. Although the action word changed from direction to direction, the name of the object always remained the same – at least within any one teaching session.
From this point on, the object named will vary, as well as the action word. The child learns to listen and respond to both words within each direction.
How to Assess
Materials: 2 small toys well known to the child. If two dolls are used, they should have different names. It is usually preferable to use 2 quite different toys, such as Dolly and Puppy, or Teddy and Cow.
Method: Put the 2 toys on the table. Using action words taught in RL.D.28, 29 and 30, give your child a direction involving one of the objects and one of the actions. Give 5 such directions in all. Use each action word at least once.
As an example, let’s say your objects are Dolly and Puppy, and your actions are jump, pat and kiss. Your directions might be:
‘Jump Dolly.’
‘Kiss Puppy.’
‘Pat Puppy.’
‘Pat Dolly.’
‘Kiss Dolly.’
Score plus if your child correctly follows at least 4 of your 5 directions, including at least 1 correct respond to each of the 3 action words.
How to Teach
Make sure your child is looking at you, and give your direction clearly and slowly,
If your child moves towards the wrong object, regain her attention and give the whole direction again. If a further error occurs, demonstrate, saying: ‘Look, I kiss Dolly. You kiss Dolly.’
Note that if you divide the direction into 2 (‘Find Dolly … now kiss Dolly.’) you are really working at the level of RL.D.30. It is most important to present both words as part of the same phrase.
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
As with RL.D.29, this activity can be practised at playtime with all kinds of dolls and cuddly toys.
Remembering and Extending
This skill is directly extended by RL.D.40.