By this stage your child will have a concept of ‘sameness’, expressed through her ability to match like objects, pictures, colours and so on, The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that she understands the word ‘same’. This skill is sometimes assessed and taught together with RL.E.81.
You can use sets of objects to assess and teach this skill, but at Macquarie, cards are generally used for convenience. We will describe the procedure with cards here, and you can substitute objects is you wish.
How to Assess
Materials: 4 sets of 3 cards, each set showing 2 shapes or pictures that are the same and one that is different.
Method: Put 2 different cards from the first set on the table. Hold up the other card. Say ‘Which one is the same?’ Repeat with the 3 other sets of materials. Avoid putting the one that is the same in the same position each time.
Score plus if your child selects the shape that is the same as the one in your hand in 3 out of 4 tries.
How to Teach
To begin with, give your child the card and allow her to match it directly on to the matching card. After a little practice, ask her to point to, or give you, the one that is the same.
If an error is made, show her the sample card, and the one she has selected, and say, ‘Are these the same? No, they’re different. Look, these are the same.’
Playtime and Round-the-house Activities
Sorting the washing gives scope for practising this skill. Perhaps tidying out the toy cupboard would too. A child’s version of the game Concentration contains sets that are the same – even ordinary playing cards can be used. Look for materials in your button jar, the cutlery drawer, the tool box.
Remembering and Extending
Worksheets where the child is asked to link with a pencil line things that are the same provide useful preparation for school work. Offering a wider range of choices, and/or a smaller degree of difference between the alternatives, will extend this skill. Pre-reading books available from educational bookshops may give you some ideas for activities, though some adaptation may be needed to suit the individual child.